Adding a New Pay Element

OneAdvanced Payroll Core has a built-in wizard to guide you through the required steps to create a new element. It is important that a backup is taken prior to adding/modifying pay element (File>Back up data)

Go to ‘System>Maintain elements of pay>Quick relationship tool’

Select how the employees pay will be affected –

Name the field - Note that a short name is not usually required, the system will use the next available field number (F number) if a shortname is not specified.

Select how the element will be treated for PAYE (this can be changed later), see ‘Maintaining elements and relationships’

Selecting ‘is a year-to-date total required for the payslip figure’ will add an additional ‘YTD’ field which will add the total of the element each period. YTD fields are set to 0 when year-end processing is completed.

Select how the element will be calculated :

‘Variable amount’ – This will add a single field to be manually input each period

‘Standard value every pay period’ – This will add an additional ‘Standard/STD’ field to be populated with the value to be added each period, whatever value is in the ‘Standard’ field will automatically pull through into the ‘live’ field when the payroll cycle is started/restarted

‘From a rate of pay type calculation’ - This will add 3 fields – Rate, Hours, Result. The hours and rate fields must be populated with a value for the calculated amount to appear in the result field.

The quick relationship tool will then ask which ‘Display view’ you would like to add the field to, a display view is the tab that is displayed at the bottom of an employee record when entering ‘Modify employee details’ or ‘Enter payroll details’

After adding the fields to a display view you will be presented with a list of what is being added. E.g. :

Here we can see an Overtime 1.5 hours and rate relationship added with a t/d field, this will populate onto the below relationships :

  • ‘To-date relationship’ - The period value (F595) to be populated into the To-date field (F596) this field will be set to 0 after year-end processing.
  • ‘Addition relationship’ – The ‘result’ field (F595) of the relationship is added as an addition. There is no standard field here as the element is formed from rate*hours, not a standard value each period.
  • ‘Rate of pay relationship’ – The rates (F597) and hours (F598) to be populated into the result/pay field (F595).

To change which display view (tab) the elements appear on in either 'Modify employee details' or 'Enter payroll details' navigate to 'System>Maintain elements of pay>Maintain display views' to modify.

If you are operating nominal codes, the newly added element may need adding to a nominal code. To do this go to ‘Company>Maintain details>Modify>Nominal codes’

If the newly added element needs to be added to a custom report go to ‘Reports>Maintain reports>Modify’ Add the field to the desired column.

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