Diary Changes for CSP

Karishma Updated by Karishma

As part of the Company sick pay (CSP) scheme functionality, some diary improvements have been implemented.

As before, edits to the diary on modify employee details save the changes exactly as entered whereas edits via enter payroll details trigger any required calculations and show the results straight away.

CSP codes can now be recalculated so to display these correctly during an open payroll cycle edits must be done using enter payroll details. Modify employee details can still be used to enter sickness outside of a payroll cycle. The correct CSP codes will then be calculated during the next open payroll.

As well as the codes that are used to denote the type of sick day (as per the key below) we have also added inputs for Sick time and Standard time.

New options on diary:

Sick time is the amount in days or hours the employee is sick. Unless overridden this will default to a full day based on the Standard time.

Standard time is the amount in days or hours the employee was due to work. This pulls through from the working pattern but can be edited.

Screenshot showing sick time entry

Screenshot showing standard time entry

Double clicking in a day allows you to enter all info for that day in one screen.

The Unit for time will default to days or hours as specified in the CSP scheme settings. This can be overridden in unusual circumstances.

If a part day sickness is required, the sick days or hours can be specified. If you need to undo this, the Set from standard button reverts the sick days or hours to the standard time.

Where an employee’s work pattern has days where they work a shorter day than normal the reduced time will show in the Standard hours and Standard days fields. Again, these can be overridden here. The Normal daily hours are shown to make these days easier to manage.

Within Open-ended sickness (opened via the Ongoing sick button) there are several new fields that have been added to handle part day sickness on the start or end dates. Essentially if the start or end date of the absence of sick is part worked then these new options should be used if entering as part of the Open-ended sickness functionality.

Once the start and end dates have been entered you are able to select the Part day at start of sick period and Part day at end of sick period check boxes, which will then allow entry into the Days/Hours sick on start day and Days/Hours sick on end day entry boxes.

A new code for SSP has been added for part day sickness. Any part days entered into the diary will calculate a code of Z automatically.

We have improved the CSP codes so that the system can calculate the days rather than relying on them to be entered by either import or manually by the user.

  • S code is used much in the same way as SSP; when sickness is entered but not yet calculated
  • Codes W, P, L and U can now be calculated using rules set up in the CSP scheme.
  • W is a waiting day as set in the company sick pay scheme settings.
  • P and L still pay the higher and lower rates respectively
  • U is used where an employee has used up their company sick pay allowance and so for CSP it is classified as an unpaid day.
  • N and F are used for non-working days. If code S is entered on a non-working day it will still be calculated to N. If a sickness period is entered adjacent to any non-working day(s) the scheme may be set up to automatically extend the sickness onto those days in which case they will calculate to F
  • O is manually entered when the day is paid using the CSP scheme’s Other sick pay rate. (This rate doesn’t impact their company sick pay allowance.)
  • X is a manual override to indicate that the employee was absent, but the sickness has not been confirmed yet.
  • E is a manual override to indicate that the sickness is excluded from the sick pay processing.
Any of the above codes can be entered into the diary but those that are calculated from the CSP scheme rules will be treated in the same way as S. The manual codes O, X and E will be retained as entered.

 There is a new export option on both SSP and CSP diary. This will export the diary for that employee as a .txt file.

The sickness imports have been updated to include the changes that have been made to the diary. To view these click here.

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Company Sick Pay (CSP)

Working Patterns
