Editing an Employee’s details

Karishma Updated by Karishma

In order to edit an employee’s details, first you need to navigate to their Manage employee page. You can do this using the Employee selection tool on the header pane.

Once the Manage employee page is open, you can the expand the accordion boxes to view the employee’s details. When viewing the details, they will initially be greyed out and locked to prevent you from accidentally changing details. To be able to edit the details, click on the edit button on the right-hand side of the accordion box:

The details will then be unlocked, and you can freely edit anything within the unlocked accordion box. You may find that certain details will remain greyed out – these fields cannot be changed

Once you have made the desired changes, click the Save changes button to save them:

If you enter an invalid piece of information the application will display validation error messages, such as a National Insurance number that is too long, Payroll Web will prevent you from saving the changes and highlight which details are incorrect:

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