Import of Sick Pay information

Karishma Updated by Karishma

There is the option to allow import of sick days and working patterns from a comma separated text file.

In the web version you will need to navigate to the Manage employees section of the system. From here click Batch tools and Import Sickness. [view article]

In the desktop version this is under system, import functions, and import sick days. There are seven import file formats supported.

The format must be indicated in the first line of the text file along with the start and end dates of the period for which the import applies.

Each import asks for a company and pay group to import for. If the pay group is left blank, all pay groups may be imported.

Working Days Import

Each line contains the employee reference and a string of characters. The character string must have the same number of characters as there are days in the date range. If the character is a Q then that day will be a working day, if it is a punctuation character (such as a full stop) it will be a non-working day. Spaces at either end of the character string are ignored.


Standard Days Import (NEW)

Each line contains the employee reference and a value for each day in the date range (as per the header). This will be how much of the day is scheduled to be worked, as a fraction of the normal working day length.

Typically, this will be used to allow half or quarter days e.g. a short Friday. Anything finer than that may be better measured in hours.

Each value should be comma separated.



Standard Hours Import (NEW)

Each line contains the employee reference and a value for each day in the date range (as per the header). This will be the number of hours that are scheduled to be worked that date. Each value should be comma separated.


Absence Days Import

This is similar to the qualifying days import but the string of characters is the sick days. Letters P, L, U, S and X may be used.


Absence length in days import (NEW)

This is similar to the absence days, however, instead of the absence codes, you are importing how much of each day the employee has been sick within the date range provided.

This import sets letter S initially so will typically be used with a CSP scheme calculating the payment codes.

N.B. The absence length for each day should not exceed the days standard length. In the example below, if the employee’s working pattern has 0.5 days where the absence is 0.5 days, the employee is sick all day.


Absence length in hours import (NEW)

This is similar to the absence length in days import, however, you are importing how many hours the employee has been sick on each day within the date range provided.

This import sets letter S initially so will typically be used with a CSP scheme calculating the payment codes.

N.B. The absence length for each day should not exceed the days standard length. In the example below, if the employee’s working pattern has 3.75 hours where the absence is 3.75 hours, the employee is sick all day.


Absence Period Import

This is slightly different in that it allows multiple lines per employee. Each line represents a period of continuous absence with a start and end date.


In this case the date range specifies the days that may be cleared, for all employees in the selected department and pay group, before importing.

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