Backing up your data

Matt Jennings Updated by Matt Jennings

Please make sure all users have logged out of Payroll, and closed any related programs, so that there is no risk of any data changes between backing up Payroll and performing the upgrade.

If you do not back up your data and programs, and there is a problem with the upgrade, OneAdvanced Support will be unable to help rectify the problem.

This must be a complete backup of the application and data in its entirety, which will need to be carried out by your IT department.

If you have HR Manager software linked to Payroll, make sure that its programs and data have also been backed up and that everybody has logged out of that as well.

To perform the back up in the desktop version, click File>Back up data then enter the name of the back up in the popup that appears and click OK. This may take a few minutes to complete and when successful a backup complete message will appear. Click OK to close this and proceed to the next step.

The next step is Running the installation program. The article for this can be found here.

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Upgrading your system

Running the installation program
