Company Sick Pay (CSP) web functionality

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The processing of company sick pay has been made available in the web. On employees records, on the Sick, Birth & Adoption tab, if company sick pay is active within the organisation, the cards have been updated to show Company sick pay is available. Ongoing period of sickness has also been added.

Upon expanding the Statutory sick pay (SSP) and Company Sick Pay (CSP) card, you are now able to switch between the SSP and CSP entries in the diary using the tabs at the top of the expanded card.

The sick days in the CSP tab show much like on the SSP tab with a little extra information.

As well as the code applied to the day in question, it also shows information on how much of the days was sick compared to how much was expected t have been worked. The example above shows 1/1. This example, the setting is in days, so 1/1 equates to 1 day sick (first number) with 1 day expected to have been worked (second number). A half day sick would show as 0.5/1. A half day sick calculated in hours where the expected number of hours worked is 8 would show as 4/8.

Entry of CSP is much like how SSP is entered currently. Firstly click the edit icon next to the card and select the day(s) to be edited. Select the sickness type and enter the sickness days/hours. The standard days/hours will pull through from the working pattern. Enter the sickness type code (typically this will be S-Initial sick day entry as the CSP functionality will calculate the code based on the settings) and the sickness days/hours and click add.

You are also able to change non-working days to working days and vice versa as per the functionality in the desktop version.

This functionality is also available on the run payroll screen for an individual similar to how it is available currently for SSP.

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