Running the installation program

Matt Jennings Updated by Matt Jennings

Before continuing, ensure your data is backed up and that no users are logged into Payroll.

If you have HR Manager software linked to Payroll, make sure that its programs and data have also been backed up and that everybody has logged out of that as well.

Download the new version (the link to this will have been provided in the release email), copy the zip file to a PC where you can currently run Payroll, extract the zip file into a new folder, and run the AdvancedPayrollInstaller program.

Firstly, the program will check that Payroll is not running on the PC that is doing the upgrade. The following error message will display if Payroll is open:

At this stage, you will need to ensure that nobody is using Payroll and everyone has logged off the system.

Following that, you will need to back up Payroll once again, as described in Backing up your Data, since your previous backup will not have been complete while other users were still logged onto the system.

Return to this document from the top once this has been completed.

If you did not receive this message, then you are able to continue the installation. The following license screen will appear:

Click I agree to continue, and you will be shown a screen that allows you to choose the installation type.

By default, this screen will select Upgrade and confirm your Payroll installation details. You should not change this. Click Next to continue.

The Payroll files will now be upgraded. If anyone is using Payroll this will block the upgrade and again the following message will display:

If this happens, press OK to abort the installation.

At this stage, you will need to ensure that nobody is using Payroll and everyone has logged off the system.

Following that, you will need to back up Payroll once again, as described here, since your previous backup will not have been complete while other users were still logged onto the system.

Return to this page from the top once this has been completed.

If you did not receive this message, the Payroll files are updated then the following screen will appear:

If any directories do not show version 2.61 or later, please stop the installation process at this point and contact OneAdvanced support.

Click the OK button to convert the data.

An information screen with Conversion complete will display once the process is finished.

Click OK to continue.

This process may repeat several times, until every directory has been successfully updated to version 2.61.

If that is the case, simply repeat until the following screen appears:

If you are in any doubt as to the status of the upgrade, or any messages unfamiliar to you appear that are not listed in this document, please contact OneAdvanced Support.

If you need to convert data directories that are not under the WINPAY directory click here to go to this article.

To go to the instructions on preparing the system to process the new tax year click here.

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Backing up your data

Converting data directories that are not under the WINPAY directory
