Creating an Employee

Karishma Updated by Karishma

To create an employee in Payroll Webopen the Manage Employees menu on the Navigation pane by clicking on it, and then click Add employee

You will then need to fill out various Employee details on the first page, including choosing their Company, adding an Employee number, choosing their Pay group, ticking or unticking the New starter and Will be paid for one week or less check-boxes, and then specifying when they will first be paid. All of this information is required, and must be filled out before clicking the Add employee button.

Note: when choosing the employee’s company, Payroll Web will automatically increment the Employee number to the next available number.

After the initial page, you will be prompted to fill out the Personal details tab. Once the mandatory fields have been populated (First name and Surname) you will freely be able to fill out the remaining employee’s details. There are several tabs across the Add employee screen which allow you to enter an employee’s details. After entering the details of a particular tab, you can click the button in the bottom right to continue to the next tab. Alternatively, manually navigate between each tab to change to the desired tab. 

As DOB is not a mandatory field, some NI Letters require a DOB to be added before you can select them. These are any NI letter for those under 21, and any NI letter above retirement age. An inline error will tell you that you need to enter a DOB for that employee.

When you are finished, click Finish in the NI tab to add the employee.

Upon finalisation, any details that are entered incorrectly will be highlighted by Payroll Web and you will be unable to add the employee until these issues are rectified. Certain details will be required, and these will be highlighted if they are not filled out:

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Editing an Employee’s details
