04/07/2024 Payroll web 5.6 - desktop 2.61.4 release

Matt Jennings Updated by Matt Jennings

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Payroll for web version 5.6 and desktop version!

Release number

Release Date

Payroll web 5.6 - desktop 2.61.4 (MAIN RELEASE)

04/07/2024 (hosted) (hotfix)


These release notes will guide you through what's new in Payroll and provide links to the feature articles.

On-premise customers will receive this via a download link. Hosted customers will have their system upgraded at a time as notified by OneAdvanced.
New Features
  1. User Access Rights - [click here for article]

What have we done?

Utilising the framework in User Admin, we have added user access rights to the web product. These are based on default roles that an be customised into user profiles. Please ensure you read the article to ensure that you understand the changes that are coming and to see if you need to make any changes.

Why have we done this?

To ensure that your internal access and security can be set up as needed.

How will you benefit?

Segregation of duties and internal security may mean that not every member of staff needs access to all menu items. This will allow you to customise which users should have access to which menus and functions within the web product.

  1. Assign Pay Groups - [click here for article]

What have we done?

We have added the functionality that allows you to assign user access to pay groups to the web product.

Why have we done this?

Following on from the menu level access, adding the ability to set data level access in the web ensures that you can manage and maintain users more easily in the web product.

How will you benefit?

Managing users can now be done from within the web product, meaning there is no need to go into the desktop version to assign pay groups.

  1. Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) - [click here for article]

What have we done?

We have added support for SMP to the web product

Why have we done this?

To add more day to day functionality into the web product

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to process SMP from within the web product, ensuring more day to day processing can be completed

  1. Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) - [click here for article]

What have we done?

We have added support for SPP to the web product

Why have we done this?

To add more day to day functionality into the web product

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to process SPP from within the web product, ensuring more day to day processing can be completed

  1. Import Sickness - [click here for article]

What have we done?

We have added sickness importing functionality into the web

Why have we done this?

To add more day to day functionality into the web product

How will you benefit?

The ability to import sickness from within the web product, ensures that more day to day processing can be completed

  1. Month End Processing - [click here for article]
    1. Month End Check Report - [click here for article]
    2. Submit EPS - [click here for article]
    3. HMRC Returns - [click here for article]

What have we done?

We have added a trio of month end processing options in the web as detailed above.

Why have we done this?

The month end processing is key to an organisations operation despite only being run monthly.

How will you benefit?

Adding this functionality to the web means that you can now process your month end from within the web product.

  1. Various Bug Fixes

What have we done?

  • Fixed issue on hosted machines where new items could not be added to user codes
  • Fix issue with the reporting function HISTORIC[] so it will go back beyond the start of the previous tax year
  • We have improved the rolling forward of the diary when new pay cycles are opened on to set any working days that were not previously being set
  • We have fixed the calculation of PIW for CSP which could have been two days out
  • We have improved the HoursPerDay in the diary to ensure the correct working hours are set from the working pattern when they differ from the standard
  • We have made paid diary values visible and modifiable to easily identify any errors.
  • Removed warnings about old sicknesses on days that have had no sickness

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Release 5.7

16/04/2024 - Payroll - desktop v2.61.3.1 hotfix
