Automatic Pension Re-enrolment

OneAdvanced Payroll automatically assesses and processes eligible employees due for automatic re-enrolment. The software must first have the correct pension re-enrolment dates set against the company.

These can be found in Company>Maintain details>Modify>Pension:


When the automatic re-enrolment date falls into a payroll cycle, when assessing pensions (Payroll cycle>Automatic pension enrolment>Assess pensions) the software will check for eligibility for each employee to be re-enrolled into the pension scheme.

There are built-in reports you can run during the enrolment processing to see which employees have been enrolled/postponed/opted in/out:


Note that only 1 Automatic Enrolment pension can be assigned per company, employees opted out of the pension scheme within the previous 12 month period will not be automatically enrolled.

Detailed guidance on automatic re-enrolment from The Pensions Regulator can be found here

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