Assign Pay Groups

Matt Jennings Updated by Matt Jennings

The assign pay groups functionality allows users to set the pay groups that web users can see. A pre-requisite for being able to do this is that the user wishing to do so has access to all pay groups. Even if the user has access to the menu item, if they don’t have access to all pay groups, they will not be able to assign pay groups.

The menu item is found under the Permissions menu on the left hand side. The landing page displays the list of web users that have access to Payroll as set in User Admin. It displays some information about the user, including the Username, first name and surname, the role profile that has been set in User Admin and the user status.

To view and change the pay groups assigned to a specific user, click on the user row and click Assign.

This will take you to the Assign Pay Groups screen. The left hand side contains information pulled from User Admin, as well as the Assign all current and future pay groups checkbox. Selecting this will automatically select all pay groups on the right hand side, and removing any will be disallowed. Any pay groups that get added in the future will automatically be added to the user’s access.

Alternatively if the user should only have access to certain pay groups then they can be selected on the right hand side.

Note – using the select all checkbox will give access to all current pay groups, but if the Allow all current and future pay groups checkbox is unticked, then if any pay groups are added in the future, the user will not have access to these.

Once you are happy with the access that has been granted, click the Save button where you will be taken back to the previous page.

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