Totals do not match totals from employees

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Quick Steps:

1.      Check where the discrepancy is coming from by clicking Reports > Check Employee Totals.

2.      Correct discrepancy in Company > Maintain Details > Modify > Archive Totals

3.      Re-run Month End check report and check whether the error has cleared

Detailed Steps:

The software checks each period that the year-to-date totals from the employees match to the totals that are saved against the company.

If there is a discrepancy in the two values the software will not let you continue until both values balance exactly.

If you are presented with this error, either the employee's YTD values do not match to the company totals or the company totals do not match the employee values.

Either the employee's TD values need to be corrected or the company archive needs to be corrected. First you must find out which is correct, and which is incorrect.

To see the discrepancy in the totals, navigate to 'Reports>Check employee totals' and select the elements that the report is displaying errors for.

Select the whole company that the error is present on and the correct tax year. If errors for the totals are ‘Tax’ and ‘Company NI’ for example, select the below:

This will then show the 'Employee' total and the 'Company totals'. You can ignore the value in the 'Archive’ for this exercise. Each line should balance exactly. If the total is 1p out the error will remain.

Note that if the discrepancy is due to an employee with TD values against them being deleted the employee will not show on this report. You can search the audit trail for ‘Employee deleted’ to pinpoint the record this was for. 

If the company totals need to be corrected, you can do this in 'Company>Maintain details>Modify>Archive totals'  - Here you can 'Modify' any period to subtract or add the imbalance to the total. If you do not know which period the change took place in, the company totals are cumulative so you can amend the difference in the latest period.

After the totals have been corrected, you may wish to run the ‘Month end>Month end check report’  to ensure that there are no errors present.

Deleted Employee (Additional Scenario) :

If a deleted employee was paid in this tax year they must be reinstated with the correct values against them. If they were deleted with totals that should not be included the company archive must be adjusted to reflect the difference.

You can view changes to the employee totals in the audit report ‘Reports>Print audit trail’

If the company totals in ‘Company>Maintain details’ have been correctly changed without updating the employee totals, the employee will also need to be corrected

You can view changes to the company totals in the company audit report ‘Reports>Print company audit’

To help you with this exercise you may also want to check the employee's P11 history 'Employee>P11>Display P11 style history' or check the employee's RTI totals in the RTI menu on the employee record.

When you know which totals are not matching you will need to determine whether it is the company totals that need correcting or the employee totals.

If an employee’s to-date totals have been correctly changed without changing the company totals, the company will also need to be corrected.

To correct the employee totals, the relevant field may need adding to a display view. If you cannot locate the field in the 'TODATE' or ‘NITODATE’ display view (tab) in 'Modify employee details add the relevant field/TODATE display view, you can do this in 'System>Maintain elements of pay>Maintain display views’ and add/modify the relevant fields or display views in here'

When the field are showing on the employee record you can adjust them to be in line with the company totals. After the totals have been corrected, you may wish to run the ‘Month end>Month end check report’  to ensure that there are no errors present.

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