Payroll user guides
Payroll desktop
Release v2.52
COVID-19 changes to SSP
Class 1A NI contributions
CEO Pay reporting
Termination awards
New rules for low-emission cars
Hours and Days in Payroll
Employment Allowance changes
Parental Bereavement Pay
History generation for Pensions and Pay groups
IR35 Working rules
Holiday pay calculation changes
Changes to Pension re-enrolment
Printer names on RDP
Plain Paper P45s
Release v2.56
2.56 Release Report
Payroll version 2.56 Upgrade Instructions
Health and Social Care Levy message on the payslip
Support for the Alabaster ruling
Automatic recalculation of SMP,SPP etc
New NI Letters for freeports and veterans
HMRC gateway password saving
Release v2.58
Release v.2.61
Rolled up holiday pay for irregular hours and part-year workers
Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) legislative update
Company Sick Pay (CSP)
Diary Changes for CSP
Working Patterns
Year End Guides
OVERVIEW - Payroll desktop version 2.58
DOC A - Payroll 2.58 Upgrade Instructions
DOC B - Payroll 2.58 Upgrade notes
DOC C - Copy Year-End Instructions v2.58
DOC D - Payroll v2.58 RTI Year-End Procedure
Adding a New Pay Element
Pay Rises
Modifying Custom Reports
Company and Employee Audit Trail
Maintaining Users and User Profiles
Automatic Pension Re-enrolment
Maintaining Elements and Relationships
Change NI Table Letter
Loans and Save Schemes
Adding additional fields to payslips
Maintaining Display Views
Viewing RTI Submissions
Standard (STD) and Live Pay Period fields
Average Holiday Pay
Changing Pay Groups
Elements of Pay
Errors and Troubleshooting
Payroll web
Manage Employees
Creating an Employee
Editing an Employee’s details
Viewing an employee’s payslips
Making an Employee a Leaver
Printing Employee P45s
Emailing Employee P45s
Change Employee NI Letter
Running Payroll
Starting a Payroll Cycle
Edit Pay Elements
Cost Breakdown
Run Checks
Emailing Payslips (as part of running a payroll)
View Summary and close payroll
Restart Payroll cycle
Adding and Removing Employees from Payroll
Statutory Payments
Statutory Payments
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
Statutory Sick Pay
Import Sickness
Company Sick Pay (CSP) web functionality
Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)
Import of Sick Pay information
HMRC Messages
Month End
General System Use
Emailing in the web application
Importing Data
Backing up Data in Payroll
Support is Evolving
Product Hub
Release notes
Payroll web 5.8.1
Release 5.8
Release 5.7
04/07/2024 Payroll web 5.6 - desktop 2.61.4 release
16/04/2024 - Payroll - desktop v2.61.3.1 hotfix
OneAdvanced Payroll desktop version 2.61.3
Payroll - Year End - desktop v2.61.1 web v5.4 Release Report
Payroll: desktop version 2.58.2
Payroll desktop version 2.58
Payroll: web version 5.3
Payroll: desktop version 2.56.2
Payroll: desktop version 2.56.3
Payroll: web version 5.2
Year End Activities
Year-End Overview
Upgrading your system
Backing up your data
Running the installation program
Converting data directories that are not under the WINPAY directory
End of year overview (formerly RTI year-end procedure)
Last submission of the year
Print RTI amendments
Linked Companies
Year-end procedure
Update all payrolls and run check report
Copy year-end data instructions
EPS and final payments to HMRC
Print P60s
Starting the new tax year
Company year-end
Employee year-end
How to correct for a previous year
Clearing historical data (optional)
- All Categories
- Payroll user guides
- Payroll web
- Manage Employees
- Change Employee NI Letter
Change Employee NI Letter
Updated by Karishma
When in an employees record in the Manage Employees left menu option, navigate to the NI & Tax tab
Expand the National Insurance card by clicking on it.
There are two different ways of changing an employees NI letter:
- If an employee hasn't been paid in the current tax year
- If an employee has been paid in the current tax year.
Changing NI Letter when an employee hasn't been paid in the current tax year
In this scenario, you need to click the edit icon on the open card:
Next select the Ni letter from the dropdown and click Save changes.
Changing NI Letter when an employee has been paid in the current tax year
In this scenario you need to click the Change NI letter button:
This will present a side modal:
There are three options available here:
- Change to a new NI Letter - This option allows you to change to a new NI letter for the next payroll period
- Change to a new NI letter from the start of tax year or employment - This option allows you to change NI letter backdated to a date. As well as a new NI letter you will need to populate the Backdate to field. Payroll will calculate any adjustment to be made on the next payroll
- Undo a previous NI letter change - This will undo the latest NI letter change that was input.
If any options are unavailable for the employee selected, then that option will be greyed out in the dropdown.
When changing NI letter you also have the option of checking the Directors NI box and keying in the Date of appointment. This will change the NI calculation for this employee to directors NI.
NI letter history
When an NI letter has been changed, the history for the current tax year is stored in the NI letter history tab in the National Insurance card on an employees record. You are able to change NI letter 3 times within a tax year (this limit is set by HMRC). The current NI letter (NI letter 1) will move to NI letter 2, NI letter 2 will move to NI letter 3 and so on. NI letters 2 to 4 (if present) will display on the NI letter history tab.
A change to a fifth NI letter will not be allowed and in that instance only the Undo a previous NI letter change option will be available
Veterans NI
If NI letter V is selected, then an additional input box is required for the Veteran start date.
If the NI letter cannot be used or any dates are invalid, an inline error message will display.